
Attorney Jon Robinson

Hi there, I’m Attorney Jon Robinson, and just like you I’m someone who loves relationships. And while I fully support happy healthy relationships, the truth is, when once great relationships stop being beneficial and start being detrimental, we owe it to ourselves and those who love us to move on, and money should never prevent us from moving on. And thats why I started the $500 Divorce Program.

Because money should never be a hindrance to finding love for yourself and allowing space for others to share their love for you. And divorce is difficult! Emotionally, physically, and psychologically exhausting. In times like that no one should profit from someone finding themselves in tough times. While I am a lawyer, I’m a helpful friend first and hope to see the best in myself and those in my community. With making divorce as cheap and easy as possible, I believe I’m doing my duty to help move all of us forward into a community of happiness and positivity. I live by one guiding principle, “be the change you want to see in the world,” and I live by that principle by offering you a path forward in life that’s as easy and inexpensive as possible.

I look forward to the helping you pave your path forward to living a  happier healthier life.

Jon E. Robinson Esq.